Monday, June 1, 2009


It’s been awhile since a new blog, eh? I haven’t been up to anything too incredibly interesting here in Buenos Aires, what is more interesting is my recent ventures to Iguazu Falls.

Thursday night we hopped on an overnight bus up to the province of Misiones to Puerto Iguazu. The ride was 18 hours, and I can’t complain about the bus ride much at all. Dinner, drinks, pillows and blankets provided. Okay, maybe the movie choice wasn’t the best. Aston Kutcher might not be the best actor, but I’d watch him swim around for a couple hours, so I did.

We arrived in the small town of Puerto Iguazu, flagged down the public bus to bring us out to our hostel. Did I say hostel? More like resort. This place was amazing. Big pool, great food, tons of friendly people and a nightlife. We weren’t really roughing it at any point of this trip. (By we I mean my friends Sam, Diana and they had some visitors from the states that joined us. We were 6 in total.) Saturday we spent all day in the national park. Couldn’t ask for better weather. 80 degrees and sunny. The falls were apparently ‘dry’ but I think they were still very impressive. We followed all the trails and took a boat to the island that is in the middle of it all. Had some really great views from there and rested a bit on the beach, even swam a bit. Sunday’s trip into the park was a little different. We had some serious rain. The whole day was a downpour, but we put on our raincoats and went. Thoroughly soaked, we went and saw “Devil’s Throat.” This part I guess is like the start of it all. It’s above the falls and talk about water pressure. (I’ll post some pictures.) The rain was not really an issue once your soaked and it seemed miniscule compared to the water I was looking at. Sam, Kramer and I trekked a little bit down the muddy road back to the main areas. My legs were stained orange from the clay earth, looked like a bad fake tan.

It was so great to leave the city and run away from homework for a long weekend. But now I’m back and have no where to run now, so I better just get all this work done. It’s June now….meaning about a month or so left of school, which also means finals! I’m hoping for a big trip after all the work is turned in. southern Argentina…? Brazil? Not sure yet. I’ll keep ya’ll posted.

Hope you are all enjoying summer!

Until next time…

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